Diweddariad Cloc St Ioan 05/10/22
Gallai edrych i fyny ar eglwys St Ioan achosi ychydig o ddryswch ar hyn o bryd o ystyried bod bysedd y cloc bellach wedi’u tynnu oddi ar holl wynebau’r cloc ynghyd â’u gêr mewnol am y tro cyntaf ers 1897.
I ychwanegu at y dryswch y byddwch chi'n gallu clywed y cloc yn canu fel o'r blaen ond heb weld yr amser ar y deialau. Mae'r peirianwyr wedi gofyn i'r cloc barhau i redeg tra bod y rhannau deialu yn cael eu trwsio a'u hail-gydbwyso.
Mae'r ddau beiriannydd cloc sydd wedi bod yn St Ioan am y ddau ddiwrnod diwethaf wedi gweithio yn ystod tywydd erchyll tra'n hongian oddi ar raffau ond roedden nhw mewn hwyliau da pan adawon nhw ac yn falch o allu gweithio mewn tŵr oedd hefo digon o oleuadau a gofod ynddo.
Nid ydym yn gwybod eto pryd y bydd y rhannau'n dychwelyd ond byddwn yn darparu'r wybodaeth hon pan fyddwn yn ei chael.
Rydym yn ddiolchgar iawn i Gyngor Tref Abermaw am arian cyfatebol ar gyfer costau atgyweirio ac i gynulleidfaoedd eglwysi Bro Ardudwy sydd wedi cefnogi a rhoi o’u hamser yn rhydd i ymgymryd â’r prosiect hwn.
Os hoffech wirfoddoli i gynnal a chadw ein hadeiladau eglwysig, cysylltwch â ni. Rydym bellach yn grŵp oedrannus bach iawn a byddem yn falch iawn o unrhyw gymorth!
Os hoffech ein cefnogi’n ariannol, a fyddech yn ystyried sefydlu debyd uniongyrchol misol bach? Os felly, dilynwch y ddolen hon i lenwi’r ffurflen ar-lein a dewiswch “Bro Ardudwy” yn y rhestr buddiolwr.
St John's Clock update 05/10/22
Looking up at St John’s might cause a bit of puzzlement at the moment given that the clock fingers have now been taken away from all the clock faces along with their internal gears for the first time since 1897.
To add to the puzzlement is that you will be able to hear the clock chimes as before but not see the time on the dials. The engineers have requested that the clock continues to run while the dial parts are being repaired and rebalanced.
The two clock engineers who have been at St John’s for the last two days have worked during some atrocious weather while dangling from ropes but they were in good spirits when they left and pleased to be able to work in a tower that had plenty of lights and space in it.
We don’t yet know when the parts will be returning but we will provide this information as and when we get it.
We are very grateful to Barmouth Town Council for match funding the repair costs and to the congregations of the Bro Ardudwy churches who have supported and given their time freely to undertake this project.
If you would like to volunteer with maintaining our church buildings please do get in touch. We are now a very small elderly group and we would be most glad of any assistance!
If you would like to support us financially, would you consider setting up a small monthly direct debit? If so, please follow this link to complete the online form and select “Bro Ardudwy” under Beneficiary.